Control Union México is officially approved by the Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (SENASICA) and accredited under ISO/IEC 17065 by the Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación (ema) to provide certification services according to the Mexican Organic Standard LPO (Organic Products Law, its regulations and guidelines). With this approval/accreditation, we can perform inspections and certifications of plant production units, wild collection, animal production units (livestock / poultry), processing and marketing units.
In order to obtain the "Organic Mexico" certification, the following steps must be followed:

1. Implement organic practices: Practices must be reviewed and implemented in accordance with the Organic Products Law (LPO), its regulations and guidelines.

Conversion period: Each production unit must undergo a conversion period before certification can be obtained.

2. Organic Plan: Each producer/operator who wishes to produce, process and/or market 100% organic, organic, made with organic or contains organic ingredients must develop an Organic Plan in which the activities carried out in the production, processing and/or marketing unit are fully described.

3. Contact with an Organic Certification Organization (OCO) approved by SENASICA: Producers / operators wishing to produce, process and/or market 100% organic, organic, made with organic or contains organic ingredients must contact Control Union as an OCO approved by SENASICA, who will guide them through the certification process.

4. Certification of 100% organic, organic, made with organic or contains organic ingredients: Once the previous steps have been taken, Control Union Mexico will perform at least one organic inspection to verify compliance with the Organic Products Law, its regulations and guidelines. After reviewing the result of the inspection, and if it complies with all the requirements of the Organic Products Law, its regulations and guidelines. After reviewing the result of the inspection, and if all requirements are met, Control Union Mexico will issue the corresponding certification to the applicant.

For more information please contact
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